Basic Usage Policy Print

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These are list of our policy :

  1. All the servers provided here are served as-it-is.
  2. As described as per group product, there are no backup therefore, you are responsible to backup your files regularly.
  3. We allow all customers around the world to access our servers, unless they committed some activity that made Hostgue Service down, we might consider banned the IPs permanently.
  4. All the service provided is not for spamming activity.
  5. We do accept payments like : Paypal, Perfect Money (USD), (local) transfer bank, (local) OVO payment.
  6. We don't block any countries to use our service. We are neutral providers.
  7. We do provide basic support for any customers that use our service. Please open a ticket.
  8. Network SLA provided by our datacenters. Credit balance might be given when there was incident that causing more than 12 hours of downtime.
  9. Server SLA is not available, however we always keep the servers active and accessible.
  10. Please open a ticket if you wish to do top-up credit to your client area's balance credit.

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